By now you have heard the news of the devastation caused by the tornado in Moore, OK. The stats are history in the making: a rating of at least an EF4, winds 166 to 200 mph, an estimation of size to be at least two miles wide at one point as it moved through Moore. And while these stats are mind shattering, it’s the stories that are most heart breaking. 38,000 people without power. Vine videos from @GeminiTiger86 right in the midst of devastation. Highways completely shut down. An elementary school full of children demolished.

HopeMob’s initial plan to help is simple. They’ve partnered with Convoy of Hope and are going to raise $15,000 in 7 days. Why 7 days? In these first 7 days the town of Moore, OK will be consumed with clearing out destruction and accessing their needs. Once those needs are known, Convoy of Hope will be able to give them the funds to help them rebuild.

Convoy of Hope has served more than 55 million people throughout the world through international children’s feeding initiatives, community outreaches, disaster response and partner resourcing. Year after year, they are lauded for their effectiveness and efficiency in mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteers for community outreaches and during times of disaster response.

A mob of kind-hearted strangers are banding together to raise money and awareness on HopeMob, the first site of its kind. HopeMob is exactly what it sounds like – a mob of people bringing hope. The revolutionary part? It’s the first site in history to offer fee-free fundraising. While most sites charge between two and 15 percent service fees, HopeMob is not charging anything to users and, additionally, they are covering the transaction fees by going out and fundraising on their own from corporations and foundations.

Please visit the fundraising page and donate today.