Expectant mothers have a lot to think about, from what kind of crib to buy to whether to use cloth or disposable diapers. With so much on their minds, more and more moms are turning to baby planners to help them prepare for baby’s arrival. The Los Angeles Times reports that baby planners, also called baby concierges or maternity consultants, are doing booming business.

Baby planners help parents weed through the options for everything from what kind of delivery to have to how to breastfeed. They also handle the myriad details involved with baby’s arrival, such as registering for gifts, preparing birth announcements and setting up the nursery. In addition to working one-on-one with clients, many baby planners also offer courses to help moms get ready. Companies can charge from pricey custom hourly rates to more affordable “package” courses or assistance.


Bravo’s cable show “Pregnant in Heels,” which follows a maternity concierge named Rosie Pope, has popularized the baby planner concept. The fact that more moms today live far away from families is helping drive the concept, as are several other factors. Competition among parents to give their kids the best of everything starting at birth, older moms who have successful careers and the money to pay a planner to handle the research, and adoptive parents who may get last-minute notice that a baby is available without the usual nine months to prepare for an infant’s arrival are all hot markets for baby planners’ services.

International Baby Planner Association and International Maternity Institute are just two organizations that have sprung up to help planners learn the ropes. Baby planning businesses aren’t suited for every part of the country, of course. They’re most likely to thrive in upscale areas where parents with disposable income abound. But since this industry is still in its infancy, if you find the right location, there’s plenty of room for growth.