Organizations are becoming enthusiastic about remote work and many have already adopted it. With the flexible work structure, organizations want to be sure that their remote employees are working committedly towards fulfilling their job roles. Distractions can abound and employees can get carried away watching videos, chatting on social media instead of working. Organizations want to be sure that the average remote employee is doing the job he or she was hired to do.
How do they do this? Organizations have found employee monitoring software useful in recent times to monitor the activities of remote employees. The software helps business owners to get insight into how remote employees are spending their time during working hours each day, and it provides data to improve employee productivity.
What is Employee Monitoring Software?
This is a monitoring software that allows you to track the performance and productivity level of your employees. Employee activity data is collected on a macro level in real-time admin dashboards that give you at-a-glance data visualization such as a productivity chart that breaks down the percentage of productive and unproductive time. Along with time tracker features that keep record of hours that an employee works, this software has become an essential tool for every company who has remote employees.
Let us look at how employee monitoring software can contribute to an increase in productivity in a remote workforce
Key Takeaways:
- Stats have shown that monitoring software has aided employers to administer higher job satisfaction to employees and also, improved efficiency and productivity.
- It helps employers to recognize employees that perform the best and they can be duly rewarded for their achievements.
- The software acts as an indicator to identify when an employee’s diminishing productivity is due to burnout or stress at work.
Now, let us consider how employee monitoring software can make work life easier for remote workers.
- Manage Staff Workloads Better: Remote employees face a lot of challenges every single day and since their workspace is located in their homes, there is an unhealthy blend of work and personal life. Goal setting to better achieve a task is the best way to manage everything without any deleterious effects.
Employees do not have to go through the hassle of tracking their time log or craft progress reports to their managers as proof of the work done. Monitoring software helps take care of that by providing real-time data for your manager who can then assess your performance based on the project requirements.
Employee monitoring software gives managers valuable insights to know when an employee is saddled with too many responsibilities. Data generated from employee tracking software can be used to help managers actively manage their employee tasks.
2. Verifies employees’ locations: When some of your employees are mobile, that is, they are always moving around, you can use GPS tracking tools to verify their location at all times. The GPS tool can be integrated into the system to identify where each employee is checking in and out from. This features prevents employees to travel randomly during work hours, securing they are working productively from their assigned location.
3. Reward Your People and Celebrate Success: You need to always be reminded that your employees are your most valuable human assets. Thus, you have to ensure that they are well appreciated and recognized for their efforts. Data obtained from a survey by Achievers, a leading HR research firm, showed us that about 44% of the employees in a population have felt like leaving work due to lack of recognition. Remote work software provides correct data that ensures the recognition of productive employees and their reward for a good job done. Organizations that reward and recognize employees often have happier and more loyal employees that are more likely to stay at their current jobs. At least 7 out of 10 employees would stay at their jobs where they are duly rewarded and recognized. It shows that you are facilitating a culture of right behaviors by providing incentives as a credit to worthy employees.
4. Reduce Painfully Boring Administrative Tasks: It is undeniable just how gruesome it can get for most employees to enjoy the process of entering data in long timesheets and attendance logs when they sign in or check out of work. The manual entry system is as old as time itself and it steals a lot of productive hours annually. A more automated employee time tracking system is thus effective to gain time back for your employees. More efforts can be channeled towards more productive, creative, and value-added work other than the more rigid, time-consuming, and irritating manual report tasks.
- Remove Hurdles and Blockers: Social media can be of mixed-effects in terms of work productivity, it could be beneficial one time and a bane to productivity the next. Its impact varies from one role to another. Hence, it is important to develop a general social media and website policy that can help to control your employees’ involvement in the wiles of the social media world. Accessing a computer monitoring software makes it possible to follow up on means of productive value-added social media activity while forestalling other forms of unproductive use.
With effective remote work software, managers can evaluate and assess all app and website usage to determine the tools that your employees require for optimum productivity. Having all the tools that they need for their job will make their life easier.
Happy employees are the most productive employees. If you can measure the metrics of performance, then you can improve productivity. With the right monitoring software you can easily create a reward and recognition system after identifying high achievers in the workplace (in-house and remote). This way, you can motivate and retain high performing employees and you can also encourage average performers to work smarter. Employee time tracking and remote employee management software can act as an indicator to identify the onset of burnout and workplace stress. Using CloudDesk productivity monitoring software can help an organization to identify productivity and happiness as key performance indicators.
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Employee monitoring system stock image by mojo cp/Shutterstock