
By Eileen O’Shanassy

The Internet boom of the past few decades has created a new kind of entrepreneur. One that works and makes money completely online. The brick and mortar business have also moved online and are able to build a successful business in the virtual world. However, for you to make any meaningful cash online, you have to understand a few dynamics of online business and take advantage of the opportunities found on different platforms online. Here is what you need to know about building a business online.

Building an Audience is Key

There are billions of people who search for products online every day. You need a piece of these visitors and make them your own and to gain a profit. A great brand displayed on an awesome website, does little if there’s not interested audience to target. You can build an audience by creating and making posts on your blog, turning up as a guest on a podcast, and guest writing on large author sites. Target your audience by advertising in spaces they frequent the most.

Tap into the Power of Social Media

Social media sites are platforms where your potential clients’ and customers hangout, share ideas, and share details about their life. These platforms offer a great opportunity to connect with both your clients and prospects and get insights into their lives. On social media you can post everything from sales posts to advice and responding to questions about your brand. Ensure your posts lead visitors back to the website. Not only should you interact and post on social media, but expand onto new sites as well. Listing your brand on the Business Bureau site or local search page site can be a great way to help people find you.

Get a Good Content Strategy

Content is what pulls visitors to your website and influences their decision to purchase your product. Your content should answer questions that visitors may have about your products or their needs. Good content makes you an authority in your field and shows that your products are credible.

Your content strategy should include the goals of your content, who you are targeting, and when you will be posting new content. Moreover, include platforms where you will be posting new content and the audience that you target in those platforms. This gives you maximum exposure to your target audience.

Focus on Conversion Rates

If your prospects leave before they buy from you, your efforts have been wasted. Look at methods of convincing the prospects to buy from you and clients to come back for more. Some of the methods include managing the sales funnel, to managing every stage of customer decision making, upselling, advertising, and giving customers more product choices among others.


Just like brick and mortar business, building an online business involves creating an audience and authority online. Determine how to reach the target market and ways to attract them to try your brand. Moreover, ensure that your brand fulfills its promise to clients.

Eileen O’Shanassy is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out her Twitter @eileenoshanassy.