How does Daylight Savings Time (which took effect this past weekend) affect small business productivity?

Grumpy Workers: A Better Sleep Council study reports that 61 percent of U.S. adults feel the effects of daylight savings time the Monday after the time change takes place; 11 percent are still sluggish over a week later. Nearly three-fourths of workers say lack of sleep affects their work, with 9 percent saying they’re likely to fall asleep on the job.

Read more at St. Louis Business Journal.

Not Worth It? Is there any business or economic reason for Daylight Savings Time to continue? weighs in with 7 reasons why Daylight Savings Time is obsolete (including a study from that says moving the clock ahead each spring leads to $434 million inĀ  losses to the U.S. economy due to increased workplace injuries and outright sleepiness).


What Can Be Done? BusinessInsider took a more in-depth look at economic issues related to Daylight Savings Time, including steps some states have taken to opt out and whether it actually saves any energy costs.

Read more at BusinessInsider.

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