By Anita Ginsburg
Your professional success can be derived from drive, skill set, and talent. Another influencing factor that should not to be overlooked, however, is a person’s appearance. A polished appearance of a person can influence advancement at the job, or detract from it due to a less refined look. Represent who you are by how you dress.
Properly Dressing for Work
Dress to represent your title, your colleagues, and your company well. Imply your best qualities through your apparel. Avoid a careless appearance that implies an immaturity level not appropriate for the workplace. Leaders should empower their employees by setting the standard for what to wear, and in the process of doing so, promote camaraderie and productivity with the staff.
Being Judged
People will judge a person on how they look and the clothes they wear. Clients and potential customers may assume that a person is successful because they are better dressed and will more readily justify costly services. If you behave like a well-groomed, highly trained professional, and also look like one, winning the respect of clients and co-workers will come easily. Experiment with your appearance and notice how people either positively, or negatively, react to you. Dressing professionally is especially important if you meet with clients throughout the day.
When to Dress Professionally
Always dress professionally for networking events, employer hosted dinners, or interviews. If ever in doubt, go with the decision to dress up. Even if there is a slight chance that you think the other participants will be dressed on the casual side, realize that you will advantageously stand out by dressing nicely. When you engage in professional interactions dressed for success, you are guaranteed to make a lasting, positive first impression. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get a polished, professional look either. Using online coupons from Discountrue can help you get quality clothing a good price. Others will be focusing on what you have to say, and not negatively focusing on your poor apparel choices.
Represent who you are and show your authoritative personality by how you dress. Exude self-empowerment, confidence, and respect by looking your best every day. Clients and co-workers that you encounter will take notice, and respond accordingly. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Regardless of your expertise or knowledge, it is exceedingly difficult to prevail over a deficient first impression.
Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about business, finance, education and home. She graduated from Colorado State University in 2004. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.