
By Al Landers

Office ergonomics, a familiar subject for many in the desk job world by now, refers to proper equipment spacing and body support while working for long periods at a desk. If you really want to make a difference in ergonomics, start with an ergonomic office chair – these chairs can provide a variety of productivity boosts and cost benefits when used in the long term. Let’s take a look at some of the primary benefits.

These Chairs Help Increase Productivity

Ergonomic chairs make it more comfortable to sit and work, reducing stress and improving focus on the task at hand. This is great for long-term productivity around the office! Invest in ergonomic seating to help ensure a task-oriented workplace where the environment doesn’t create any obstacles to getting projects done.

Chairs Fit More Body Types

Ergonomic chairs tend to be either adjustable or designed to work with a variety of body types. Other office chairs can present difficulties accommodating all body types – for example, if people are too short or too tall, they may be very uncomfortable using a particular chair. It’s better to find ergonomic-focused chairs that can accommodate a wider variety of body types with less trouble.  Otherwise, you risk disgruntled workers, a greater chance of injury, or chairs that simply don’t work for people.

You Can Reduce Some Kinds of Work Injuries

With back support, good blood flow through the legs, greater stability, armrests at the right positions and other ergonomic benefits, workers are less likely to suffer injuries from prolonged sitting – which is surprisingly common: 74% of workers experience regular pain while working at a desk. When workplace pain grows into long-term injuries, this leads to time taken off and workplace compensation payments, which can affect insurance rates. Ultimately, ergonomic seating really can save a company money!

Better Back Support

One of the key purposes of an ergonomic work chair is lumbar support, or support for the natural shape of the human spine. We’re calling special attention to this support, because traditional office chairs are notoriously poor at good lumbar support, which can cause all kinds of problems with long-term working. Lumbar support options include not only the shape of the back of the chair, but also option cushioning for the neck and lower back. If your employees spend long hours in their chairs, they will more than appreciate these additions.

Keeping Cool

Many ergonomic chairs – especially newer models with more advanced designs – come with mesh fabrics and similar breathable fabrics. These fabrics, along with the overall shape of the chair, encourage airflow. First, this keeps office workers cooler, especially on hot summer days, which reduces annoying stick-to-chair syndrome and helps improve productivity yet again. Additional, the greater airflow helps fabric materials last longer, and those mesh fabrics don’t crack, split, or fade like cushioned pleather does. Look for such fabrics when you make your purchase decisions!

Long-Term Durability

Ergonomic office chairs are typically made with high-quality materials that are designed to last as long as possible. They are also frequently minimalistic with simple designs and fewer parts that can experience wear and tear. As a result, buying ergonomic chairs for your business can be more efficient in the long term – you won’t have to repair or replace chairs as often. Since office chairs can easily cost a few hundred dollars to replace, this can become an important long-term cost consideration for a growing business. Look for chairs that are well reviewed when it comes to durability!

To check out the latest and greatest ergonomic options available today, take a look at the Some of the best office chairs of 2018 and see if any match your company needs.

Al Landers is a freelance writer interested in home and office gadgets and is always looking for new ways to improve the office space with new technology. When not writing about gadgets he likes to read about them, keeping current on all of the latest trends.