
How your business is viewed online is one of the most crucial segments of your brand’s total outreach strategy.

By Johnathan Grzybowski

Posting daily updates on social networks like Facebook is now almost a fundamental rule of business. In order to grab the attention of your target audience, your business needs to start thinking outside the box. Here’s a few ways to stay a few steps ahead of the other guys and keep your online presence sky rocketing.

Landing Page/Website

Your site should be a space that welcomes customers, whether they are existing, new, or potential. Showcase the value you can offer potential customers. Visitors to your site make judgments on your business within the first few seconds of arriving at your website.Vibrant colors, imaginative designs, and even spelling and grammar impact impressions of your business. Devote time and your budget by hiring a graphic design service to create the visuals for your company’s website.


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, researched content is a major key element behind every winning marketing strategy. Generate beneficial backlinks by working with news outlets and similar brands to share links to your product via reviews or guest blogging. Use a free SEO plugin with your content system to help guide you to optimized web pages including headlines, meta descriptions, and photo tags. These tasks cost nothing to you or your business. They help your business acquire new customers looking for terms related to your product or services.

Content Marketing

Content plays a huge role in the success of your business. Graphic designers create content that will be recognized by both consumers and search engine robots. You know you’ve found the best design company for your business when they produce content that speaks to your target audience. Take time to research keywords and intertwine them into pages related to your business, because content is king!

Social Media

First impressions are everything! Your social media engagement is usually the first impression your business will make with potential clients. The most vital attribute you could provide to your business is your openness regarding what you decide to make public for your business. Posts made online in reference to your business profile should include a good description, keywords, and a link to your website. So, valuable information shared with your social media fans and followers makes your company a trusted expert in your industry.

Influencer Marketing

The idea behind acquiring key individuals is to leverage their influence on the vast purchasing decisions of consumers. Social media bloggers are great influencers. Those bloggers with loyal followings seem more trustworthy and capable of recommending a product or brand. Explore your industry’s top individuals and see if they can have any valuation in swaying your target audience’s opinions.


Consistency establishes your brand’s identity to potential customers. Your brand’s intent should be the same across every channel so customers can find you. This will not only ensure an increase in your online presence, but a boost in your brand’s recognition as well. Your business will should have access to unlimited revisions and unlimited designs. In addition, you can request to design a series of ads that’s not only cost effective, but also produces results for your business. Consistency is a good way to show just how dedicated and motivated your brand is to interact with its consumer base.

Growth Driven Design

Growth driven design, or GDD, is a user centric approach that’s changing the way traditional web design models upside down. Rather than taking six months to a year to overhaul your website, GDD makes consistent improvements to your website based on real-time analytics. Websites that utilize GDD average twice as much engagement as a traditionally designed site,generating an average of  $48,000 in revenue. Compared to $18,500 in revenue generated by engagement on a traditionally designed website, that’s a huge increase.

Email Marketing

You will save more money keeping an existenting customer than getting a new one. This is why establishing strong relationships with your customers is crucial. One of the ways you can do that is by keeping in touch with your customers through email marketing. Initiate conversations by asking customers for their email address when they visit your website or social media. Make your communications informative, helpful and professional. If a visitor to your site takes the time to enter their email address, it’s a pretty good indicator that they are serious about their interest in your business.

No Spam

Elements of spam can distract visitors. Repetitive ads and page blockers can be annoying. Keep the focus on your website’s content and lead them to your desired outcome.  Entrepreneurs look for ways to improve their business and to make it stand out from the competition. You won’t do that with spammy ads taking up your sites website. Work with a graphic design service to clean up your site and create imagery that clients will remember.


Watch your analytics like you watch your money! Keeping track of your online presence may not necessarily help you with return on investment, but it will help you establish what is working for your business and what is not working. If your brand hasn’t already, try exploring your industry’s top individuals and see if they can have any valuation in swaying your target audience’s opinions.

Johnathan Grzybowski, is rogue risk taker turned entrepreneur and national thought leader in digital marketing and branding. He is the Cofounder of Penji, an unlimited graphic design service for marketing teams, that provides jobs and internship opportunities to Camden students and residents.

Landing page stock photo by Eviart/Shutterstock