
The devastating impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have allowed small business owners to think out of the box, especially when marketing their small businesses.

If you are still wondering how to make your small business successful during these challenging times, consider following these approaches to help set your small business up for success in near future.

Start Selling Online

If you are managing a business in which your products do not need real-world interaction, you should turn to e-commerce platforms. For that reason, you can opt for Shopify to create a shoppable landing page. Likewise, you can consider using a selling website like Etsy to sell your products online. This way, you can establish your own Etsy shop in 4 easy steps without any hassle.

If you have not developed or created a website yet, start setting up using free WordPress or Wix templates to build a shoppable landing page where your customers can buy your products. However, if you decide to sell your products through Etsy or eBay, you will need to bear their transaction and payment processing fees when an item is sold.

On the contrary, if you have a website that is up and running already, focus on improving its online presence by performing an SEO review. It will allow you to rank your website on certain keywords on the search engine.

Improve Your Presence on Social Media Channels

Now is the time to use different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn, for your advantage. That said, consider which channel will work best for your small business keeping your target audience in mind.

You should use all these platforms to interact with your existing customers accordingly. Furthermore, they are helpful when it comes to grabbing the attention of potential customers as well. If we talk about Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can use them for marketing your products to your potential target audiences.

Similarly, YouTube, SnapChat, and TikTok are ideal for promoting video content and conducting consumer-marketing activities to leverage your small business next level. Lastly, you have LinkedIn in your arsenal, which you can use to boost your relationships with corporate clients.

You should plan social campaigns that help people comprehend the human side of your business. You can work on something like behind-the-scenes video ideas to show your customers how you develop your products for them.

Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok stories are another way of connecting with your target audiences. You should come up with stories that discuss your upcoming products, seminars, or plans. Moreover, you can update your customers about how you are doing as a business amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Send out Personal Postcards

You can send out branded postcards to your existing customers to let them know you have not forgotten them at all. Besides, you are looking forward to welcoming them back in store after the coronavirus outbreak.

Get Creative

When we talk about marketing our small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, the more creative we are, the better. Therefore, you should have a unique way of marketing your business that makes you different from your competitors. If you can spice up your marketing, it can help you get new customers, and as a result, you can keep your business moving forward even during the COVID-19 calamity.

So, ask yourself first which creative route you should take. Whatever you decide, enjoy doing it. You can be a part of a brainstorming session that helps you think about what you can do to attract and engage your current and new customers.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great tactic to reap the rewards during these trying times. You can develop and maintain long-lasting relationships with your current and potential customers hassle-free if you have not started email marketing already, so why are you waiting.

Businesses that have strong relationships with their customers are enjoying a massive competitive advantage right now. Thus, you should launch your email marketing campaign using the free email marketing service such as MailChimp.

Practice Empathy while Marketing Your Business

At the time of marketing your small business, you should not undermine the value of emotional connection. Businesses that go the extra mile and do all the hard yards to create a deeper understanding of their current and new customers will remain in their customers’ minds for a long time even after the crisis is over. There is no harm in establishing a clear communication channel with your target audience based on honesty and transparency.

If you are in a delivery business and there are hurdles in delivering a parcel on time, inform them immediately. You can send them a personalized note when there are delays in delivery for being patient and trusting your business every time. Apart from this, you can give your customers some discounts on their next order. Consequently, they will become your valued and loyal customers eventually.

Why is it Important to Market Your Small Business during COVID-19?

 It is always important to market your small business no matter if it is pandemic or not. Here are some advantages you can obtain by continuing and enhancing your marketing efforts during the COVID-19 era:

  • Stay ahead of your competitors
  • Discover about your target audience in detail
  • Create and sustain your business relationships
  • Set yourself up for success post-coronavirus

Wrapping Up

The coronavirus pandemic is, without a shadow of a doubt, a blessing in disguise. It can surely help you market your small business from scratch. It is high time to put the accelerator on your marketing efforts. You should use this time as an opportunity rather than an excuse and put yourself on your customers’ shoes. Hence, you would be able to market your small business better before your customers.

There is no denying that your business might be slow at the moment. But, use this precious time to know which strategy you can follow to remain on the top of your game in the post-coronavirus era.

A business school grad specializing in marketing, Usman found his love for writing during studies. Usman Hayat now pursues a career as a digital privacy & security advocate for VPNRanks working as a blogger. Usman loves reading about sci-fi & technology while cricket is his game of choice. When the world cries ‘online freedom’ Usman stands resolutely raising his voice for the rights of netizens everywhere. You can contact Usman on his Twitter handle.

Marketing stock photo by MR Chalee/Shutterstock