By Rieva Lesonsky
I’ve been talking about the growing power of mobile for a few years now, and the newest research numbers underscore mobile’s importance. A new survey from Nielsen shows that more than 80 percent of product searches made on a mobile device led to a purchase. 80 percent!
Of course, a lot of these mobile searches take place when shoppers are on the move. About 40 percent of consumers research products on their phones and tablets while in a store, often checking and comparing prices. After their research, 37 percent go to the store to buy the product. And for 33 percent, their mobile devices are the only way they do research before shopping.
According to the “MoBlog” on Mobile Marketing Daily, another survey (also conducted by Nielsen) says 65 percent of American mobile users want to make a purchase the same day they do their research. And the survey revealed 50 percent of those researching products via mobile “only have a general idea what they’re looking for, leaving them open to influence by ads.”
This is not a slow-growing phenomenon. CFI Group did a survey showing 70 percent of mobile shoppers bought something on a smartphone this year, up from 59 percent in 2013.
If you haven’t optimized your site for mobile viewing, don’t wait for the new year to get started. You’re leaving sales on the table. And what small business can afford to do that?
Rieva Lesonsky is CEO of GrowBiz Media, a media and custom content company focusing on small business and entrepreneurship. Email Rieva at, follow her on Google+ and