Reading List 5.23.14
Best Practices
- The power of persistence.
- Do you think like a founder or a CEO?
- 9 VITAL personal finance tools
- 5 keys to success in a family business.
- 5 areas that will make or break your business.
- Time for a 21st century reality check.
- This successful entrepreneur says there’s loads of leadership lessons in The Wizard of Oz
- Creating the ultimate dream office
Marketing Smart
- Are you neglecting your current customers?
- The 7 MUSTS of quality content.
- Does your website need a blog?
- Are hashtags dead?
- Improve your email marketing results.
- Boost online shopping with social sharing.
- Using video to drive customer engagement.
- How to create memorable infographics.
Power to “Your” People?
- What type of telecommuter are you & your people & why it matters.
- The most common hiring mistakes small businesses make.
- 5 ways to attract better job applicants
- Eating healthy can increase your productivity.
Sell More
- Using Twitter for customer service.
- The power of customer loyalty.