Reading List 7.11.14
Best Practices
- Ecommerce helps B2Bs thrive.
- Improve your online presence.
- 4 lessons small business owners can learn from the Minutemen.
- Get a grip on your business expenses.
- Serial entrepreneur offers best success secret ever.
- Baby boomers & entrepreneurship.
- 15 Pinterest board ideas to inspire you.
Marketing Smart
- Should you advertise on cable TV?
- Who’s watching Smart TV & why should you care?
- What Facebook’s move to direct response means to your business.
- The power of spontaneous engagement.
People Power
- Help your employees declare their independence.
- 10 ways to help your employees telecommute.
- It’s not too late to hire students this summer.
- 8 tools to help you be more innovative.
Sell More
- Are you ready for mcommerce?
- Lessons from some of the most successful customer loyalty programs.
- 5 reasons to hire an outside sales rep.