By Ann Traeger

You can’t afford not to secure your small business. But you also can’t afford the most high-tech, top-of-the-line security solutions either. So how do you strike the right balance? How do you keep your company well-protected without also breaking the bank?

Here are a few tips to help you find a cost-effective solution for securing your small business. You can use these guidelines to draft a new security plan for your company, or to re-evaluate the security measures you have already put in place.

  1. Think cyber security. According to Stay Safe Online, U.S. small business owners have a false sense of cyber security. Cyber criminals frequently target small businesses because they know large companies are more likely to employ comprehensive security measures that will be harder to breach. They also realize that they can steal more money and sensitive information by targeting small businesses rather than targeting individuals. You can drastically improve your company’s cyber security by taking a few inexpensive steps, such as securing your Wi-Fi networks, providing firewall security for your Internet connection and updating passwords on a regular basis.
  2. Don’t forget physical security. Cyber security is crucial, but it doesn’t eliminate the need for old-fashioned physical security. If your business operates within four walls, you still need to secure your computers, paperwork and other important resources. An alarm system can go a long way when it comes to protecting your small business. Many security companies offer competitive deals, and purchasing a security system is definitely worth the price if it helps prevent a costly break-in.
  3. Prepare for natural disasters. According to Business Insider, if a small business can’t resume operation within 10 days after a natural disaster, it is not likely to survive. If you live in an area where natural disasters occur frequently, you should consider installing flooding and/or temperature sensors in your establishment. You should also have a contingency plan in case a natural disaster occurs.
  4. Train your employees. When it comes to security, every small business should train its employees on best practices. Create an Internet usage policy for your company and establish clear rules. Teach employees how to avoid phishing emails and remind them to avoid opening messages that seem suspicious.
  5. Prioritize. It is important to realize that you are never going to be able to secure your company one-hundred percent; there are inherent security risks in any business that you will not be able to avoid. Decide which security risks post the greatest threat to your business, and try to mitigate them as much as possible.

Ann Traeger, freelance security & safety writer. @AnnTraeger.