The tools listed below not only offer you a way to motivate your users to leave comments, but also offer technical assistance systems and direct communication with your users. 

By Melissa Crooks

Comments and criticism are necessary for mobile applications. Based on the criticism and suggestions, you can make improvements and solve problems. Every large company has a system to collect this important information. You as the owner of an iOS application, you might need help to collect the criticism on your mobile application.

The tools listed below not only offer you a way to motivate your users to leave comments, but also offer technical assistance systems and direct communication with your users. In this way, you can avoid a negative review of your mobile application.


This tool allows you to communicate live with your users. In addition, you can receive attachments. That way, you can better understand and solve customer problems. That’s right, Helpshift not only helps you get criticism but it is also useful as a technical support tool.

You can send notifications directly to your users and conduct surveys to evaluate the quality of the application. It also allows you to optimize your “Frequently Asked Questions” section with videos and images.


This tool has a great feature: make a simple question for your users in order to discover which customers will give you a good review on the mobile app store. You can schedule when you want to recommend your users to make a criticism based on their activity.

Like Helpshift, you can talk chat with your customers. The criticism system works based on 5 stars and can be done from the same application. You also have a section of reports in your administration panel and can be integrated with CRM programs.


This tool allows you to establish a direct communication channel so that your users can report technical incidents and problems that your application presents. Your users can send you screenshots to help you better understand the problem.

Instabug has a section devoted to statistics and can be integrated with tools that detect software errors. It seems to be a very effective tool because its clients include SoundCloud and eBay.

Help Stack

This tool for technical assistance is an open source and allows your users to report incidents without leaving your application. You can communicate live with your users and receive screenshots so you can better understand the problem and solve it more quickly.

Each time one of your users reports an incident, both the information of the application version, as well as the device of the user, is attached to the message. It also allows you to create a section of “Frequently Asked Questions” that is included in the same application.

User Voice

User Voice has been designed as a tool for technical assistance management. Your users can send you their problems with the app and can suggest articles from your FAQ section or even from other users who have presented a similar problem.

Each incident of your users has a number associated with it so that you can better organize your technical service agents. It presents a control panel dedicated to the statistics of your application where you can see the number of open tickets as well as the productivity of your agents.

User Testing

This tool is perfect when you are doing beta testing before launching your application. User Testing allows your beta users to leave criticisms in video forms. You could even see how they use your application and if they have a usability problem.

User Testing allows you to record videos of 15 minutes or more. In addition, it has its own beta user base. You should only specify the characteristics of your target audience, as well as the specific functions you wish to perform on your application.

Survey Monkey

This tool allows you to conduct online surveys. You can create your survey based on a template or create one from scratch. You can get real-time reviews and motivate your users to leave positive comments.


This tool allows you to converse with your users and solve doubts without the need for them to abandon your iOS app. When opening, your users choose a series of options that match their query, i.e. if it is a suggestion, question or a technical assistance topic, that way you can prioritize the comments you receive.

AppStark has a panel dedicated to statistics on the service you offer and the degree of customer satisfaction with your application based on the type of comments you receive.


This service allows you to carry out surveys that your users can solve from the same application. In addition, to avoid negative reviews in the app stores, your users can send you a comment privately. That way, you can solve the problem and leave your users happy.


This tool allows you to collect comments from your customers about your application. For this, it uses surveys based on the selection of options, as well as open-ended questions.

It has a useful reporting function where you can see the statistical information of your application based on the surveys conducted. In addition, from the control panel, you can access the ranking and comments of your application and monitor your application for usability flaws.

These are some of the tools that you can use to collect users opinion about your iOS app. These tools are very useful because they can prevent you from having negative reviews on App Store which might jeopardize the success of your application. You should contact top mobile app development companies when considering iPhone app development.

Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company in New York, USA and India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. She also writes for top app development companies.

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