Living work place

Encourage Positive Energy and Increase Productivity

By Matilda Jones

Our surroundings can have a surprisingly large impact on our overall mood, not only in terms of energy but physical appearance too. A cluttered, untidy workplace can leave you feeling uninspired, demotivated and even depressed. Creating a pleasant atmosphere can really uplift your work team and encourage positive energy and increased productivity.

It’s easier said than done in some cases, as generally offices can be quite mundane places with little personality, limited interior design budget (if any) and there are often restrictions in place from the landlord too. There are however some inexpensive methods of lifting the ambience, and if you’re after some real inspiration just check out the amazing Google offices, or this guy who got creative and covered his office wall in 8,024 post-it notes. Creativity is key after all!

Mood Boosting Plants

Not only do indoor plants act as natural air purifiers, enabling us to breathe in a better quality of air, they can also help to enhance our mood too. By adding indoor plants into your working environment you can naturally relieve stress and balance the energy. House plants can also offer a more aesthetically pleasant surrounding so it’s worth investing in some greenery! And if you’re not so good at taking care of plants, cacti are probably a good start.

A Lick of Paint

Say goodbye to those boring and bland magnolia walls! A crisp white wall with a piece of standout art that represents your business can look much more appealing. Scuffed walls with marks aren’t professional, if you’re a small business or start up and can’t afford professional decorators, round up the team and make an afternoon of it. Think of it as a teambuilding exercise…

Increased Facilities

Offering staff more facilities is only ever a good thing. Basic amenities such as an office watercooler, coffee machine and clean staffroom can make a huge difference to your workforce’s day-to-day work life and create a much more inspiring place to work. It also shows that as a boss, you care for your staff’s needs and treat them how they should be treated. After all, staff retention is very important! Having a high staff turnover is a costly business, much more than the price of an office coffee machine.

Light it up

Spending the day under fluorescent light can be quite supressing and harsh, it’s also a scientifically proven trigger of migraines which can have a huge impact on workflow and productivity. Open up the blinds, clear the clutter building up on the windowsill and try to let in as much natural light as possible so you can turn one or two of those

Create a Chill Out Zone

Today, an increasing number of us don’t take our lunch breaks. It’s time that is ours but due to heavy demands, tight deadlines and a stressful workload we simply don’t take back the time we are owed. Often chained to our desks for a nine hour day, it can actually hinder our productivity by not taking regular breaks to relax our eyes from the screen and our minds from the stress. Creating a comfy area with sofas for staff to take time out is a great idea. By encouraging your work force to take regular breaks throughout the working day, it can actually increase motivation and efficiency. Invest in a few comfy chairs and pillows to allow staff to enjoy and kick back on when their mind needs a refresh.

Communication Pin Board

Sure, we all have emails these days but sometimes it can be good to take it back to the days where technology didn’t rule and we communicated via face to face talk, letters and pigeon carriers. Well, you get my point. Create a central office communications point, one idea is a pin board, have your team members pin notes to each other to enhance interwork relations and communication amongst the team. Use it to suggest after work drinks, a team night out and other important (and some less so) notices!

Small changes can make a big difference in an office environment, by making proactive steps to creating a more positive and pleasant working atmosphere you can boost staff morale which directly correlates with productivity, and that can only be a good thing! You don’t have to compete with the likes of Google, although a pool table and fully kitted out restaurant would be ideal, but think small steps! Call a team meeting, discuss with your staff and write up a to-do list. Don’t be afraid to stamp your mark on your interior, you’re a business after all and branding is essential. Did magnolia walls ever scream ‘thriving, energetic team of individuals’ no, no it did not.

Matilda Jones is a freelance marketing manager currently working for the UK’s leading watercooler supplier Cooleraid. She loves all things digital, believes in a healthy working environment and lots of yoga!