
By Hannah Whittenly

Telemarketing is a long-established way to reach customers via telephone. Through inbound and outbound telemarketing, you can promote worthwhile products and services. However, there an art to this marketing strategy. Many businesses find their attempts at telemarketing fall flat. You can do things right in the telemarketing department as long as you’re up to the task. These four strategies to help your business make the best use of telemarketing.

Find a Good Call Center

You might want to do your telemarketing in-house. However, you might soon find that the resources and space that would require are more than you can handle. This doesn’t need to be considered a detriment. Instead, you outsource your telemarketing department to a professional service. Call center solutions can be found in your area. You want to touch base with these businesses and see which one would be best for you.

One of the best ways to determine this is by telling them about your products. Send them all the information you have about your product. When they’ve taken the time to study and understand your product, you should ask how well it can be marketed. They will be able to give you the best advice possible.

Pitch It to the Right Customers

Some products are used by just about everyone. However, other ones require more targeted marketing. When determining who to contact with your sales pitch, you should look at demographic information. If you’re selling a product meant for married women who own homes, you want to be able to reach them.

If you are considering selling a product that has no apparent audience or purpose, you should stop considering it. Inappropriately targeted or irrelevant marketing will only serve to compromise your abilities in telemarketing. You also would be wasting resources and time that could’ve otherwise been spent properly.

Develop a Strong Pitch

Even if you outsource the telemarketing to another company, you should still have a hand in the product pitches. Each pitch should be tailored specifically to each product. However, there should be some sort of uniformity that telemarketers selling the products can adapt to easily. Since telemarketers often have to deal with rejection, you need to have a pitch that catches the attention of customers right away.

One of the best things to do is to ask a question. This is particularly good if you’re calling about a service such as cable television or internet. You can ask them if they’re satisfied with their current service and propose your own business’ service that could better fit their needs.

Emphasize Personability

You want to give your customers a sense of camaraderie. In order to make that possible, you should have your telemarketers properly trained. They should be able to call people and make them feel like they’re not being pressured into a sale. You can have them call and ask about how their day is going or ask if this is a good time to talk. Even after the person is on board, you should them continuing to be personable and friendly.

You want your customers to feel like they’re seen as a person, not a number. The best way to do this is to develop skills amongst your telemarketing team. If you find somebody isn’t up to par, you should coach them or let them go. If they’re not up to the task, it could affect your business.

Telemarketing is a way to sell products and service in an effective manner. With the best plan possible, it can be a great strategy for your business. These tips will hopefully serve your business well.

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.