
Ranking factors are criteria that Google takes into account to better position a website organically on the results page for a search for a particular keyword.

What are the main Google ranking factors? That’s the $ 1 million question when it comes to SEO. We answer for free: nobody knows for sure. It means, Google certainly knows – but it doesn’t.

What are Google ranking factors?

Although no one is sure which are the most prevalent, it is a fact that the ranking factors exist. Google itself confirms that there are more than 200 factors that define which pages will be better positioned when you search.

So, in summary, ranking factors are criteria that Google takes into account to better position a website organically on the results page for a search for a particular keyword.

Important Google ranking factors

1. Page Authority/Pagerank

Pagerank is a metric that goes back to the early days of Google, giving a rating from 0 to 10 for the authority of a page on a keyword. It also provides a grade, but from 1 to 100, and takes into account other factors linked to relevance. It is logarithmic, which means that as the number gets bigger, it also gets harder to grow.

2. Domain authority

The Domain Authority uses the same criteria to evaluate a page but expands them to the entire domain.

As with Page Authority, the grade goes from 1 to 100 and the higher it is, the more authority your domain. The link to see how yours is is the same as the previous item.

3. Relevance of links

The more you are referenced on other pages in your business industry, the more Google will understand that your content is valuable and should be presented in the top positions. You can be so good and creative that it will happen organically, but you can also adopt a link building strategy.

4. Original and quality content

First of all: never, under any circumstances, copy content from elsewhere. Not only does this not help you rank your site better, but it can also severely penalize you. The best way to be well ranked in this factor is to put into practice a good content marketing strategy. For example, a company that provides private certifier services. To reach its audience, the company started to publish high-quality content, answering prospects most common questions. This strategy doubled its monthly enquiries.

Quality content reinforces your authority in several ways. In addition to helping you get the links mentioned in the previous item, they create an audience, as they will be useful for many people. Google values a well-written text much more than something built just to insert keywords.

5. Keyword in content

In addition to being in the title, it’s a good idea for the keyword to appear in the first 100 words. Also put it in some subtitles, always remembering not to force the bar. The subtitles themselves help your page rank better since they make the content more scannable.

In the past, there was a technique called keyword stuffing, which consisted of using the keyword a lot. This is no longer indicated for a long time, and it is also quite contraindicated. The Yoast SEO, which we mentioned above, helps you to measure whether you are exaggerating or not. And, again, learn more about semantic search and consider using synonyms.

6. Image optimization

Search engines cannot see an image in the same way as the human eye. They identify only pixels, failing to see clearly what each image is about.

Therefore, it is vital to signal to the robot what the image refers to, and this can be done through the file name, alternative text, description and caption.

7. Time on page

By this time in the tech world, you may have become accustomed to the fact that Google knows everything about you. Yes, everything. And you volunteered that information. If it’s any consolation, almost all of humanity is in the same situation.


If you take these Google ranking factors into account, you will start seeing results soon. While it is not sure that they are the most important, they will make a difference.

Gabriela Damaceno is a journalist and head of online content for Media Shark, an app developer Gold Coast. She is representing HK Certifiers, a company that offers Construction Certificates services. You can connect with her via Linkedin.

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